
Hi there—I’m Susie Lorenz a creative marketing guru, graphic designer and social media manager and yes- a runner. I stared Run with It Media & Design with a sole purpose (pun intended) to help small businesses, entrepreneurs and start ups build their brands, sell products digitally and increase exposure through creative marketing and storytelling. Whether you are in the beginning stages of starting your brand or are an established company who simply doesn’t have the time to market yourself, that’s where I come in! I can help you take your ideas from the start line all the way through the finish.

More about me and my background…

I began dabbling in photography, graphic arts and video editing in my early youth and quickly discovered how powerful creative advertising, web design and motion graphics were for effectively capturing peoples attention and selling a story, event or product. Being a focused athlete and distance runner, I focused on bringing my skillset and creative services to businesses who were centered around sports, fitness and wellness. I’ve successfully helped numerous businesses develop online training platforms and client-trainer portals, designed effective promotional material, shot and produced content and helped design and develop private branded apparel lines. While I specialize in small to mid size businesses I’ve also enjoyed working for global brands where I’ve worked on set in large scale studio environments supporting creative teams on a variety of projects. I love every aspect of building a brand, creating an effective strategy and watching what were once just ideas become a reality. Run with It Media & Design’s name is inspired by the marathon journey and how like building a business it’s life changing, challenging and rewarding. It all starts with letting your imagination run wild, believing in the impossible, silencing the nay sayers and putting in the hard work all to successfully achieve your goals.


What I Offer

Whether it’s a single project or whole brand overhaul, I can offer tailored solutions to elevate your product and services to new levels. Here are some of the services I offer:



Let’s stay connected

Reach out about a project, collaboration or just to say hello!